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It could be worse

Something strange happens

Algo raro pasa que han desaparecido varios mensajes en las entradas.👀 Something strange happens that several messages in the entries have disappeared.👿 Mañana actualizo los enlaces/Tomorrow I update the links.💪

Binge Orchestral Works



expanium dijo…
Let's go back to the old system. There was no support.


➥Album Preview

Open link in another tab.

How to download and not curse in the attempt:
CM dijo…
Yours is the worst blog I've ever had the misfortune to encounter. After an endless number of clicks & unpalatable redirects (all to your financial advantage) the 'prize' is.... mp3 files. Pathetic & useless.
Celtic Past dijo…
Probably if you used user-friendly hosters (Fichier, Mega, Upload, for example) instead of this awful that makes downloading an excruciating pain (Jdownloader can't be used with this hoster) more people would be willing to contribute money, and you would gain more money than the few dollars those thieves pay you for the clickbaiting. I think it's self-defeating for you to stick to this hoster, but it's your choice. Thank you.